Musim Panas di Jepun boleh menjadi sangat panas dan kering tetapi ada banyak aktivitii yang boleh dilakukan.
video ini menceritakan sedikit sebanyak musim panas crew kami di yang tinggal di Jepun.
“ODEKAKE crew”
A new style to have fun your Japanese trip!
Have you ever felt inconvenienced when traveling to Japan because you couldn’t understand the language? Have you ever been frustrated by the train route map of Tokyo, as if you were laying a spider web around?
On your next trip to Japan
A guide who understands the culture and religion of your country will support you in your native language to experience Japanese culture and excursions to local areas. You don’t have to feel the language barrier or the stress of moving.
We, ODEKAKE crew, will make your next trip special!
All rights reserved. No reprinting.
Musim Panas di Jepun boleh menjadi sangat panas dan kering tetapi ada banyak aktiviti yang boleh dilakukan. video ini menceritakan sedikit sebanyak musim panas crew kami di yang tinggal di Jepun. SELAMAT MENONTON __________________________ “ODEKAKE crew” A new style to have fun your Japanese trip! Have you ever felt inconvenienced when traveling to Japan because you couldn't understand the language? Have you ever been frustrated by the train route map of Tokyo, as if you were laying a spider web around? On your next trip to Japan A guide who understands the culture and religion of your country will support you in your native language to experience Japanese culture and excursions to local areas. You don't have to feel the language barrier or the stress of moving. We, ODEKAKE crew, will make your next trip special! ODEKAKE crew: Instagram: Contact: 当チャンネルの映像および画像、テキストの無断転載・無断使用を固く禁じます。 All rights reserved. No reprinting.
Hi everyone! In this video I would like to share my Ramadhan experience while living in Japan.
Ramadhan is a holy month of fasting for all muslims and it is also a month of self-reflection. Fasting abroad away from your families and friends might be challenging but this also helps me to be able to focus on my daily work and strengthen my faiths.
Hope you enjoy this video and don’t forget to like and subscribe. Thank you!
ラマダンはすべてのイスラム教徒にとって断食の聖なる月であり、反省の月でもあります。 家族や友人から離れて断食するのは難しいかもしれませんが、私が日常の仕事に集中し、信仰を強めるのにも役立ちます。
Suspendisse potenti. In scelerisque libero id eleifend consectetur.
Sed lacinia tempor orci, non lacinia purus faucibus non. Aliquam gravida risus nec velit lacinia dapibus. Phasellus at magna id elit tristique lacinia. Integer a justo vitae arcu fermentum consequat. Vestibulum gravida ante et condimentum vestibulum. Cras egestas sodales nisi sed commodo. Aenean vel varius tortor, vel convallis ante.
Sed lacinia tempor orci, non lacinia purus faucibus non. Aliquam gravida risus nec velit lacinia dapibus. Mauris quis nisi velit.
Vestibulum gravida - nunc sedante et condimentum!
Fusce sed maximus est, et viverra mauris. Phasellus a cursus elit. Praesent varius sem id felis scelerisque vehicula. Suspendisse nibh felis! Vestibulum gravida ante et condimentum vestibulum. Cras egestas sodales nisi sed commodo.
Mauris quis nisi velit. Sed sed pharetra velit. Vestibulum venenatis est tortor, et ultricies ex viverra et. Praesent non venenatis convallis ante et condimentum erat. Aenean vel varius tortor, vel convallis ante.
Lacinia tortor nec convallis ante condimentum.
Vestibulum gravida ante et condimentum vestibulum. Cras egestas sodales nisi sed commodo. Vestibulum gravida ante et condimentum vestibulum. Cras egestas sodales nisi sed commodo. Praesent non venenatis convallis ante et condimentum erat. Aenean vel varius tortor, vel convallis ante.
Fusce sed maximus est, faucibus non. Aliquam gravida risus nec velit lacinia et viverra mauris. Phasellus a cursus elit.
Phasellus nec tempor neque nec finibus lorem.
Proin elit elit, cursus vel vulputate at, volutpat quis metus. Praesent at blandit tellus. Morbi finibus velit erat, a pulvinar lacus mollis sit amet. Nulla iaculis convallis fermentum.
Curabitur ante neque, vehicula sed erat vitae, tincidunt ultricies est. Suspendisse sit amet ex sit amet mi tempus commodo vel sit amet quam. Fusce quam risus, facilisis et molestie non, feugiat in tortor. Vestibulum gravida ante et condimentum vestibulum. Cras egestas sodales nisi sed commodo.
Mauris quis nisi velit. Sed sed pharetra velit. Vestibulum venenatis est tortor, et ultricies ex viverra et. Praesent non venenatis convallis ante et condimentum erat. Aenean vel varius tortor, vel convallis ante.